Harmony Insights

Over the past 40 years, the team at FBS have developed hundreds of reports. Ranging from stock and sales performance, to budgeting and forecast reports.

What we have noticed over the past year or two is a shift away from the Monday morning management meeting where a series of up to twenty reports are printed out and discussed, thus leading to key decisions. While a report may present the information, there is no ability to investigate why a figure is high, or low, or what within that particular report causes this ot that. The conversation ends, until another report is run and presented. It is impossible to preempt how to present the data based on the where the conversation has evolved.

Partnering with a Business Intelligence tool has proven to be absolutely key to the evolution of Harmony’s data. Thanks to our partnership with Phocas Software, Harmony Insights can present your data how you want to see it. And it’s browser based!

There is the ability to build a default visual dashboard, a landing page. But the key is the ability to see the data, drill into it, or drill back out, investigate further into a different set.

Example. Take a weeks sales by store. You can drag onto the data stock category and view it that way, or colour, or sales agent. You can drill out to see the data by state, regional manager. The data can follow the conversation of the meeting.

Phocas Software and Harmony Insights now also offers an integration with the financial data. Better known in Harmony as the General Ledger reports. This covers P&Ls, Balance Sheets, as well as financial budgeting.

For further information and a demo of Harmony Insights, please contact your relationship manager or email crm@fbsaust.com.au


Endless Aisle (part 2)


Startrack Freight at POS